In October the company raised$ 48 million in a private offering, according to a filing with the SEC, roughly doubling its total funding. 希伯软件公司提交给美国证交会的一份档案显示,该公司去年10月通过一次私募发行募集了4800万美元,几乎使它的总资金增长了一倍。
Private schools offering supplementary English tuition have mushroomed. 提供额外的英语教学的私立学校如雨后春笋般涌现。
Gap years are fashionable, as is reflected in the huge growth in the number of charities and private companies offering them. 学业间断年现在很时兴,这反映在提供它们的慈善团体和私人公司的数目呈巨额增长。
Introduction to guide the full text of intent to introduce topics of this paper, the problem to be solved, and to indicate to the securities and resale of securities private offering to the importance of solving practical problems. 引言部分统领全文,介绍本文的选题意图、所要解决的问题,并指明继续研究私募发行证券及转售问题以解决现实问题的重要意义。
The issue system of private placement fund in our country is faced with a situation which has no legal basis, the research is also relatively weak. Private offering sprang from United States and developed very well, which was cited by more and more countries for reference. 私募基金发行法律制度目前在我国面临着无法可依的境地,国内学者对其研究亦比较薄弱。因此,借鉴域外发达国家或地区的私募发行制度尤为必要。
Then summed up the relevant norms and the status of the securities private offering and resale. 然后总结了我国证券私募发行及转售的相关规范和现状。
To deal with those problems, the author have tried to clarify the theory foundation for the private offering by analyzing on the targets of supervision, the principles of supervision, which further provided the basis for the discussions about the specific rules of securities private offering. 针对私募监管存在的以上问题,在第二章中,本文通过对监管目标、监管原则的分析,试图廓清并奠定私募监管的理论基础,从而为下文进入私募监管具体规则的论述提供理论依据。
Private offering right stems from private rights, and market access right gets involved with governmental public power. So the essence of securities private offering regulations is a game between private rights and public power. 私募发行权的本源在私权,而发行准入权介入了国家的公权力,因而证券私募制度的实质上是私权利与公权力的博弈。
Sunshine Private Offering Fund, as opposed to mutual funds, is a collective investment funds for specific investors via private way. 私募证券投资基金是一种相对于公募基金而言的以集合投资形式通过非公开方式面向社会特定投资者募集的资金。
In the conclusion, the author reclaims of the importance of securities private offering and hopes that the discussion of the supervision of securities private offering will help China to establish the legal system tailored to the development level of our securities market as soon as possible. 结语部分,本文重申了私募发行的重要地位,希望本文对私募发行监管的探讨有助于我国早立建立符合目前证券市场发展水平的立法体系。
Third, this article introduces a new classification of interests in Theoretical model that match with the Private offering, instead of the mainstream classification which is the traded stockholders and non-traded ones. 在理论模型的推导中,本文还引入了与定向增发相匹配的利益主体的分类方法,改进了主流文章所采用的分类方法,也就是常见的流通股股东与非流通股东两大利益主体分类。
Finally, on the resale of securities private offering and the inclination of the system proposed private offering, mainly from the necessity and construct ideas of construction the private offering and the resale, and the inspiration of American Law to talk about the legislative suggest. 最后是关于我国证券私募发行及转售制度的倾向性建议,主要从构建私募发行及转售制度的必要性、构建理念和美国法给予的立法启示来谈。
Many abnormal fluctuation phenomena occurs together with the rumors of private offering, asset reconstruction, "on listed as a whole" and "back-door listing". 大部分的股票交易异常波动的现象会伴随着市场上定向增发、资产重组、整体上市和借壳上市的传闻一起出现。
The financing institution on securities private offering possesses great advantages of saving transaction cost and time, and moderately controlling company structure. 证券非公开发行融资可以节约交易费用、节约时间、合理控制公司结构,具有很大的优势。
International convergence of securities private offering is the consequence of development of electronic network and global economy, which has lead the global securities markets to the same high-speed train. 证券私募发行国际化趋同是电子网络和全球经济发展的必然结果,其将全球证券市场推向了同一辆高速列车。
In this paper, through a comparative analysis of the private offering fund and public offering fund in different period, we discover their advantages and disadvantages. 本文通过比较分析私募基金和公募基金在市场不同走向时期的投资业绩,进一步比较私募基金与公募基金的优势与劣势。
The main part from four aspects: The first part, an overview of the distribution system for the securities private offering. 主体部分从四个方面来阐述:第一部分,为证券私募发行制度概述。
The study of securities private offering system in the United States, can be said to be rich achievements. 美国对证券私募发行制度的研究,可以说是成果丰富。
Private offering of securities has its special advantages and value. 证券私募发行有其独特的优势与价值。
Private offering plays an important role as a means of refinancing for listed companies. 定向增发作为再融资手段的一种,在上市公司再融资方式中占重要地位。
Us about the registration system of exemption, for our country to perfect securities private offering behavior, provides a useful reference template. 美国关于注册豁免制度,为我国完善证券私募发行监管行为,提供了一个有利的参考模板。
The chapters of fourth and fifth are the core component of this paper, which mainly talk about the specific rules of securities private offering. 第四、第五两章则是本文的核心部分,论述私募监管的具体规则。
During the legislation of Securities Investment Fund Act, private offering has attracted more and more attention from scholars because of the lobby for legalization of private placement. It has become one of the most conspicuous legal issues in contemporary Chinese securities market. 在证券投资基金立法审议的过程中,伴随着私募基金合法化的呼声,其发行问题越来越受到学界的普遍关注和研究,成为当今证券市场上最令人瞩目的问题之一。
Private offering of securities is a direct financing mode relevant to public offering of securities, which can satisfy various financing demands of issuers. 证券非公开发行是与公开发行相对应的直接融资方式,可以满足发行人不同的筹资需求。
The private offering as a new mode of financing of listed companies in recent years has been considerably developed and aroused widespread concern. 定向增发作为一种新的上市公司融资方式在近几年得到了长足的发展和广泛的关注。
Private offering fund, compared with public offering fund, is an investment fund that divided according to different raising methods. 私募基金是按募集方式划分的与公募基金相对应的一类投资基金。
By analyzing the American private offering information disclosure system and the conceptions reflected from the system, the section discusses the significance of structuring our own information disclosure system for private offerings and suggests a system structure in detail. 通过对美国私募发行信息披露制度及制度中反射出的理念进行分析,论述了我国构建私募发行信息披露制度的意义及具体制度的构建。
The content shall include: the recognition of private offering, qualified investors, re-sale limitation, fund manager, and declare and registration. 这些内容应当包括:私募发行认定、合格投资者、转售限制、基金管理人和申报及备案。
Through the introduction of domestic and foreign legislative cases and its actual state, thus analysis of securities private offering legal problems, thus to our country legal system of securities private offering related research. 通过介绍国内外立法例及其实际状况,从而对证券私募发行法律问题进行分析,从而对我国证券私募发行相关法律制度进行研究。
The characteristics of private offering determine that it cannot have a uniformed rule on disclosure of financial information or requirements on corporate governance like those in public offering. 私募制度的特点决定了它不能像公募制度那样统一财务信息披露的规范或者提出统一的公司治理目标要求。